Monday, January 4, 2010

Hello fellow bloggers! So glad you stopped in!

I have been racking my brain all day trying to figure this thing out! Guess what?!? I DID IT! thanks to the some great gals for word' s of encouragement!

I don't know alot about all of this but with your help im gonna try!

I love primitive decor and i enjoy looking at everyone else's blogs. I have so far enjoyed looking at all the wonderful pictures of everyone's homes and all the nice shoppes! (i wish i lived alot closer to some of you) haha! hubby might disagree on that! LOL! I have been collecting primitive for about 2 years now! I cant wait to get new ideas from some of you and hopefully ill be able to give in return!

Thanks for stopping in and i hope to see you back real soon! Happy Blogging ;-)